Success is one of those things we all want and when it’s at arms lengths we start looking for business coaches or gurus and sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable.
I signed up for a 30 min consulting session I was really excited. They saw my website made some comments that it didn’t fit my personality and they gave me a few tips BUT then came the quicksand. “
“I can mentor you but in order to do that its $2k .I will help you re brand your business and in the process I can refer my clients who need web design services “
Quicksand much? So I sat here thinking and saying to my self. $2k for coaching and maybe referrals really isn’t worth it. I knew deep down that the coaching I want for my business needs to be catered to my needs that it fits to what I want to get out of my business not just the money aspect but the feeling I’m helping someone live and start their dreams. That being branding their business or even designing their blog. I felt like I was getting bullied and for a while was really bummed out. I made me feel like my business my dream wasn’t worth it. that I wasn’t worth it either.
Have I found the business coach that fits my style yet? NO ..Do I feel like I’m going too. Probably not. And here’s why. My business to me is worth far more than those $2k most business coaches ask for. I didn’t wake up one day and said: ” I’m going to be a graphic designer”. I started designing for my other business at 18. I love the design but it wasn’t until 2007 that I said let’s make this official and try it professionally.
This business coach said she would get a hold of me in a few months to see how I’m progressing on my own. Have they don’t it. NOPE at all. Which is fine because I feel I was going to be another $2k to her and probably not benefited at all.
What I did learn from this experience is that.Needing feeding outside help is ok but not all help will benefit you a 100%.
Thanks for your honesty! I really feel you on the ill fit – I’ve had all kinds of awkward free consults with coaches myself 😀 Just to clarify for my own understanding, did you think that this coach charging $2K was too low? I’m not sure I’m reading that correctly.
The $2k isn’t to low but it’s not the money I have saved up . Bills get paid first before anything else .
Fair call on all counts. If all she’s providing is referrals then it won’t be worth it. You’ll find someone. 🙂
Good for you for standing up for yourself 🙂 if you felt bullied, it probably want’s a right fit at all.
I never hired a business coach so I don’t know what the deal is. A lot of successful people say a business coach helped them immensely, but lo and behold these people are now coaches and consultants, so they it’s in their best interest to say so. I’d like to see someone whose business is not being a coach themselves to say the same.
On an unrelated note, have you thought about aligning your text to the left? Centered text in multiple lines is a wee bit difficult to follow 🙂
Looking back I dont think it was going to be a great fit at all.